Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Belvedere Newsletter, the Latest News Feb '12

From Kendra Dunn of Stonehaus

2012 Greetings to all our Belvedere residents and a heart-felt “Welcome” to our newest home-owners.

We appreciate that you have chosen to live in Charlottesville-Albemarle’s leading “green” neighborhood and anticipate exciting growth for Belvedere in 2012. In a slowly recovering real estate market, Belvedere Neighborhood finished 2011 with 42 new home sales, nearly doubling 2010’s 24 new home sales. Phase 1 is quickly approaching “Sold Out” status with less than 12 lots remaining unsold. Last year’s Blue Ridge Home Builders Association Parade of Homes event was another great success for Belvedere. With two (2) homes entered in the 2011 Parade, Belvedere saw well over 100 visitors each of the two parade weekends and, like 2010’s Parade, may of those visitors are active, interested home-buyers who have Belvedere at the top of their home-buying wish list. Belvedere currently has ten (10) homes under contract that are either under construction or expected to start shortly. The eleven (11) townhomes along the east side of the Village Green are all under contract and serve as an enticing visual “gateway” to Phase 2 of Belvedere. As we launch into 2012, there is much to be excited about throughout Belvedere. Here are some of the highlights:

Phase 1 completion

As you’ve seen by now, Belvedere road patches and fixes are well underway and final paving of our main boulevard has begun. Belvedere Phase 1 final paving is a large project which should be completed before mid-year. In addition, final execution of the approved landscape plan and the conversion of some of the current storm water management areas to bio-filters should also be complete by mid-year.

We continue installation of the mailbox “gangboxes” and expect installation of all Phase 1 mailboxes to be complete this spring.

Senior Center and “The Reserve at Belvedere”

The Senior Center remains under-contract with a projected closing of late February. We have no doubt that the Senior Center will bring exciting new vibrancy to Belvedere and be a resource for diverse projects and activities for many, many years.

The Reserve at Belvedere has shown tremendous construction progress, particularly during the past 90 days and it is expected that the first renters will be moving in before Summer.

Belvedere Station

Our upcoming village center, Belvedere Station, has generated significant interest from local businesses and we have to-date completed dozens of presentations for prospective clients on our overall vision for this all-important section of Belvedere. Many thanks to those of you who were able to join us on a rather windy November day for the groundbreaking ceremony. We share your anticipation for this important “center” to the neighborhood and assure you that our priorities are to secure the types of businesses that will create energy, vitality and more great ways to “connect” with your neighbors and friends. While the townhome portion will begin construction this spring with expected home closings in the 4th quarter, we also expect to begin construction on the commercial and retail portions mid-year with businesses “open” by mid 2013.

Civic Core

We expect 2012 to be an active time for the Civic Core. SOCA will soon have their section conveyed to them and their fundraising will then begin in earnest. They are eager to make Belvedere their home and, when they do, will add tremendous vitality. The middle portion of the Civic Core, adjacent to the future SOCA field house, is currently planned to be a park/playground to include an outdoor pavilion structure. We believe we’ll be successful in creating that valuable space as part of our efforts with Phase 2 of Belvedere. On the west side of the Civic Core between our property and the railroad, we have plans to create the Community Gardens for Belvedere. We are waiting on Dominion Power to move an overhead power line and then we’ll move forward, hopefully in time for the spring “planting season”. Lastly, we remain committed to inclusion of a Montessori school in the Civic Core.

Village Green

We have begun work with Albemarle County on a mutually agreeable approach to the final design of the Village Green and it is our hope that the northern end will remain a natural playground. Overall, the Village Green is a vital “center” to Belvedere that will generate many enriching outdoor experiences.

Belvedere Phase 2

Our current design plan for Phase 2 has been resubmitted to the County. While our overall Phase 2 plan includes over 120 lots, our first section will be comprised of approximately 50 lots on the west side of Belvedere Blvd. The current Phase 2 plan will be available for review at our model home at 724 Belvedere Blvd after next week. Feel free to stop by for a look.


We continue our efforts to collaborate with Fairview pool on broad improvements to their facility. At this time, we have proposed a few opportunities for improvement and await a response. We will keep you updated as that work progresses.

Rio Road traffic light

Lastly, installation of a traffic light at the Rio Road entrance to Belvedere is of great interest to all of us. We believe VDOT has begun a traffic study and are hopeful they will see the need as we know many of you do. Your active help will continue to make a difference so please call or email Albemarle County’s Board of Supervisors (Rodney Thomas) about the need for a traffic light. Representatives from Cathcart and Stonehaus have made their wishes clear to the County and VDOT but we believe that as constituents, you will have a more powerful voice to affect this change. Contact information is: Rodney Thomas 434-242-3322 or rthomas@albemarle.org - Additional information can be found on the County’s website - http://www.albemarle.org/department.asp?department=bos&relpage=3406

Our continued thanks and appreciation to you, our Belvedere residents, who act as our best “sales people” and passionate supporters of this great neighborhood. So much of our continued success is a result of your commitment and enthusiastic support!

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