Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Children, Nature and the Belvedere Potential

I have said I am a somatic practitioner (massage, craniosacral therapy) and I specialize in working with families, children, and babies. I have a lot of somatic skills and can work with just about anything that comes in my treatment room (Jim, would you call this Shameless Self Promotion? Feels a little strange to be explaining myself). But another part of my work is working in nature with children and families.

When I first met Bob Hauser, he said that he had a vision of creating a neighborhood where children are inspired to get off the couch and out into nature. It was a vision of returning childhood to what he remembered it was, where children played outside. He said his children are his inspiration. Well, I just had to hold onto the table because I thought I was going to fall out of my seat. Creating programs for families and children so they can connect to nature is part of my mission here, and I have the perfect place to do it in the Zone. You can see about my work with children on in the slide show on my old website. (My new website coming soon).

I am planning several nature based programs for Belvedere, one called the Green Hour that will start in the fall with nature games, songs, and stories on the Village Green. More to come for sure, as things build and blossom. Just after I move in, I am going to spend time with my favorite all time nature practitioner Martin Maudsley from the UK. He has created a movement in the UK called Playwork. See about the conference.

Meet Martin Maudsley and the programs that inspire me

Hear a recent BBC podcast about children and nature.

I am trained by a lot of different naturalists. But more about that later!

Belvedere amenities, the trails and the Zone, the outdoors spaces and its values include this very basic and necessary part of being outside, connected to nature and to other people. Bravo Bob Hauser! Let's make this come true.

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